Masses & Services
Sunday: 9.15 am, with Children's Catechesis (Little Church)
Weekdays: Monday and Thursday 9.15am
PLEASE NOTE the weekday Mass schedule may change. Please check the weekly Newsletter, available on this website.
Holy Days: As announced in the weekly Newsletter
Holy Communion for the sick and housebound
If you know of anyone who becomes sick and housebound and would welcome a visit from a priest or a Eucharistic Minister with Holy Communion please contact Fr Mark on 01257 460154
Eucharistic Services are occasionally held on weekdays when a priest is unavailable Please check with the weekly newsletter.
Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals: by arrangement with Fr Mark on 01257 460154 or

Pastoral care of patients in Chorley Hospital is undertaken by Fr Peter Stanley, Parish Priest of St Joseph's, Harpers Lane, Chorley. (Tel. 01257 262713). In an emergency the hospital switchboard will contact the on-call Catholic Priest. Please request this from any member of staff on the ward.
Patients in Chorley Hospital may listen to Mass from St Joseph's at 10.30am each Sunday which is broadcast through the Hospital Radio via the Patientline system. To use this press the button marked 'RADIO', then press the plus (+) button marked C.H. until Channel 1 appears on your TV screen at the bottom right handside; Channel 1 is Chorley Hospital Radio.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion visit the wards every Sunday morning with Holy Communion for patients who wish to receive it.
Pastoral care of patients in Preston Hospital is undertaken by a team of volunteers led by Fr Darren Carden. Fr Darren is assistant priest at St Clare's Parish which is situated close to the hospital on Sharoe Green Lane. Members of the Pastoral Team visit wards regularly but, in an emergency situation, they can be contacted 24 hrs a day by phoning 01772 522435, or via the hospital pager. Please request this from any member of staff.